Saturday, December 23, 2006

ToBE #31: To think or to hope

For some of you, the difference between ‘think’ and ‘hope’ may be obvious, but I have noticed that some people use them interchangeably. They don’t mean the same and they should not be exchanged.


  • I think that shining light is Jupiter.
  • He thinks he will clear the exam.
  • The traffic was heavy and I thought I will be late.

Basically, thinking is mostly on the basis of facts or what we know for sure. If you look at each of the above examples, the first one is based on knowledge of the planetary position, the second is based on assessment of a past event and the third is based on facts around us and the effect it normally causes.


  • I hope you will get better.
  • I want to study engineering, but my father hopes I will get into medicine.

From the above examples, do note that ‘hope’ is not necessarily based on facts or reality. It is based on what a person wishes to happen.

The next time you tell someone, “I hope you are not well”, remember that it means that you want that person to be unwell. Think about it!