ToBE #26 : '-ize' or '-ise' - Which is correct?
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To the question of this issue: Which is correct - '-ise' or '-ize'?
Answer: Both.
Of course, you will be correct in pointing out that one is American and the other is British, but that is not the complete story.
- Set 1: Capitalize, Localize, Stabilize and of course, Americanize.
- Set 2: Recognize, Cognizant.
- Set 3: Analyze. (Please note that 'analyze' is not an '-iz-' word).
The rule doesn't apply to Set 2 or Set 3.
Also, 'surprise' is NOT 'surprize' in any English.
- Set 1: Both '-ize' and '-ise' are acceptable and using '-ize' is age-old and not an American influence.
- Set 2: Typically - recognise, cognisant, but 'recognize' and 'cognizant' are also accepted.
- Set 3: Analyse (Always 'analyse', never 'analyze').
In the next issue: A few more spelling differences.